Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 12: A Song I Want Played at My Wedding

I never really thought about it... In case you weren't paying attention - I like music. A lot. There's so many songs to choose from.

This song has been my latest song obsession, but its one I don't think I'll ever get sick of. I've always liked this song but the way Adam Young sings it... It sends chills down my spine. I love how it has a old hymn feel with a modern twist. And it lyrics are so meaningful.

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May Amelia is having a giveaway! Check it out! I know I'm excited!

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 11: A Photo of Yourself (And a few facts too)

Name: Jane Doe
Age: Too old to be young and too young to be old
Occupation: Annoying people (Full time); Student
Favorite Color: Electric Blue
Favorite Animal: Horse
Favorite Food: Chinese (Chow Se Bows!)
Favorite Music: Owl City
Favorite Authors: Ted Dekker, Erynn Mangum, and Karen Witemeyer
Favorite Season: SUMMER! (AKA Not now!!!!)
Obsessions: Clouds, matching (clothes and colors), grammar, getting good grades, doing the right thing, laughing, Sarcasm, being lazy, giving advice, Mysteries, cliches, being silly, friends, cookies, etc.
Favorite things to do: Computer/Facebook/Blogger, sing, dance, act; sing, dance, AND act; think, observe, listen, etc.
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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 10: A Photo of Yourself Taken Over 10 Years Ago

Well Most of our photos from over 10 years ago are still in the flim packages... But I managed to find a somewhat decent one.
Well there she is... Young me. :) I think I was about 6 years old. Thats at a zoo I believe...
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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 9: A Photo I Took

I have so many photos... And yes most of them are of myself...but I when I get bored I just start taking pictures.. of me, of nature, of CLOUDS (I absolutely love clouds, especially weird or cool ones :) ) whatever.

I love this picture. I love it because those are my favorite shoes. (And those are orange socks.... totally something I wouldn't normally do...) I love it because thats our garden in the background. I like it because the hose runs right through it. I love it because it was spur of the moment I didn't plan and I didn't have to take a million pictures to get it just right and still not have any turn out. I love it because it expresses me without even showing my face. (Plus feet pictures are just cool.)
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Joke Day!

So my Biology teacher is REALLY super AWESOME and at the end of every quarter we have a day when we all tell our best jokes... AND we get extra credit! Best day ever!
Well Joke Day is rolling around again tomorrow and well... I don't really have any...
Soooooo.... if you you have any super fantastic joke, you should tell me about them! :) (They have to be clean but I'm sure you guys wouldn't have dirty ones, anyway, right? Right.) So bring on the jokes! :)
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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 8: A Thank You Letter to Someone Who's Changed Your Life

Mr. and Mrs. Crouch,
Techanically, you are my directors, but in my heart your sooo much more.
You are like a second set of parents to me, a second family. You love me like one of your own.
I have learned so much from you, not just about acting, but about life and loving.
Its wonderful to see other couples (other than my parents) who are still so in love with each other and Jesus.
Thank you so much. I hope our times of fun and growing closer will continue for many years.
I love you both dearly.
With love in Christ, your honorary daughter,
Janee "Crouch"
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Photo Contest

Katie @ HEllo highLIGHTS is having a photo contest!

Here are my entries:

What do ya think? Personally I love the middle one. :)
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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Handwriting Tag

I was tagged! Write down the answers and take a picture. :)
So, here are the questions.

1. What is your name/your Blogger name?
2. What is your blog name/URL?
3. Write "The quick brown fox jump's over the lazy dog"
4. Favourite quote
5. Your favourite song
6. Your favourite bands/singers.
7. Anything else you want to say?
8. Tag 3-5 other people.

Here is mine...
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Day 7: 5 Things I couldn't live without

1) MUSIC. Music makes me dance, laugh, cry. It lifts me up. It praises God. It runs through my head all day.
2) Friends. Without friends, I might just go into a pit of depression. I naturally am an introvert. But friends help get through the day, week, life. I love people and when I don't feel like being in the middle of them, I love to sit off and just watch.
3) Books. When I don't feel like dealing with my life, I go read about someone else's. (Or sometimes I'm just bored)

4) A Sense of Humor. I love mine dearly and I don't know how people get through life without one. It just drives me nuts when people don't get my humor.
5) Sweets. I have such a sweet tooth. Especially cookies.... Just thinking about makes me want one...

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 6: A Moment You Wish You Could Relive

Hmmmm . . . this is a tough one. I have had many wonderful moments in my life.... And there have been PLENTY of times that I made a fool of myself, but none TOO major...

Well sometimes I wish that I could be 7 allllll over again..... All the innocence and ignorance.... All joy and songs and dancing around the house (Yep I was THAT girl. I even wore dresses that everyday!)
Oooo oooo and that makes me think of this song :)

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Camille at Forever Feminine is having a Giveaway! Check it out!

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A tag

Blush or bronzer- Neither
Lip gloss or lip stick- Lip gloss
Eyeliner or mascara- Last year I would have told you mascara but eyeliner is growing on me...
Foundation or concealer- Foundation
Neutral or Color eyeshadow- Color
Loose or Pressed Powder- Don't use powder...
Brushes or sponges- Sponges

OPI or China Glaze- No Comprendo...
Long or short- Long ;) (People often ask me if they're fake... no would you like to find out?)
Acrylic or natural- Natural
Brights or Darks- Brights

Perfume or body splash- Body splash
Lotion or body butter- Lotion
Body wash or soap- body wash
Lush or other bath company- Huh?
Jeans or sweat pants- Jeans! All the way
Dresses or skirts- Depends on the occasion
Stripes or plaid- Stripes
Flip-flops or sandals- Flip flops
Scarves or hats- Scarves (Although I would like to find a cute hat..)
Studs or dangle earrings- Dangles
Necklaces or Bracelets- Both :) Bracelets though 
Heels or flats- Flats (Alright I admit it.... I'm almost 16 and I can barely walk in heels...)
Cowboy boots or riding boots- Cowboy boots :)
Jacket or Hoodie- Depends on the weather...

Curly or straight- Curly... I think... (haha as I said MPD!)
Bun or ponytail- Ponytail
Bobby pins or butterfly clips- butterfyl clips usually work better for my extremely thick hair
Hairspray or hair gel- I Usually too lazy but hairspray
Long or short- In between!
Light or dark- Light
Side swept bangs or full bangs- Side swept (I had full bangs til I was like 9 :P)
Up or down- Up ( It tends to drive me nuts down)

Rain or shine- Shine!!!
Summer or Winter- Summer!!
Autumn or spring- Spring!
chocolate or vanilla- Vanilla :)
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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 5: Favorite Quote

Wow, this is a tough one for me.... I have a great memory, but my brain does not hold onto quotes for long for some reason.....

Hmmmm....... oh. Well I dearly love Adam Young as many of you know... And pretty much all of his songs have AH-mazing quotes! But I'm gonna go with....

I can finally see that You're right there beside me
I am not my own, for I have been made new
Please don't let me go I desperately need You

I am not my own, for I have been made new
Please don't let me go I desperately need You

Such a short song and yet so FULL of meaning. :) It actually comes from the Bible. Its a great thing to remember.

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Owl City Update!!!!

I thought I'd post this for those of you, like me, who are Adam Young/ Owl City fanatics. :) Enjoy! (If you're not you can just disregard this post.)

All Things Bright and Beautiful

Dearest friends,
Where do I even begin? Every minute of the past year has been nothing short of marvelous and I'm altogether speechless. How can I, over the course of a handful of sentences, put into words how thankful I am for what has happened over the previous twelve months? A rather impossible feat, so please believe me when I say I couldn't be more humbled or appreciative. Thank you so very much. I am filled with gratitude to God.

Aside from the occasional handfuls of ripped-out hair, I'm ALMOST done mixing the new record and I'm really, really, REALLY excited for you to hear it. Think late Spring/Summer. My eyes have become cubes after putting in what feels like a million 12 hour days in studio, but looking back on what's been created, I can truly say that I'm most proud of this fresh batch of music. There are a few unexpected twists and turns, a few rabbit holes, a few sore thumbs, and I couldn't be MORE excited! Street date is coming soon so stay tuned.

I keep a blog. As always, a new entry is posted every Monday, should you be so inclined.
DISCLAIMER: Information contained therein may or may NOT be fabricated and thus may or may NOT make a shred of sense whatsoever.

Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for an amazing 2010. The next twelve months appear even more promising and by all accounts, there are some truly tremendous things on the horizon. I can barely sit still.

Get ready,

I'm sooooooooooooo SUPER DUPER excited!!!!!! Adam is SUCH a phenonomenal artist and I can't wait to see what he serves up next! (Personally I hoping it will come out before April so I can get for my birthday, but thats just me ;) )
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Monday, January 17, 2011

Hair Disorder

I think we all know what its like to have hair days... good, bad and just plain weird... Sometimes I love my hair, other times I hate, and others it...... worries me.
I think my hair may have a disorder.... Yea, a Multiple Personality Disorder...
So on one side its all curly and the other is straight (little bit of a flip on the end but pretty much straight)

The funny thing is..... I think it actually sorta matches my personality...
I'm Creative, Whimisical, Optimistic,  Romantic, and Silly. (Curly side)
But I'm also Practical, Down-to-earth, Responsible, and Trustworthy. (Straight side) I've never had a celebrity crush or believed in Santa, The Easter Bunny, unicorns or fairies.... (Tragic I know... but my parents never liked the whole lying part of those...)
Sometimes it can be difficult to balance these totally different sides, but I know that if were ever to lose one or the other it could be disastrous!
Sometimes I find myself wanting very badly to believe a dream and yet my practical side will not let me do so. Other times I get carried away and wonder how I ever let myself go that far.
I know that God created me this way for reason and it makes me who I am. (Some people only get to be one or the other, not me! I get to be BOTH!)

Whichever one you are (Or maybe you're more MPD like me...) remember God loves you the way you are and you should always......

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Day 4: A Favorite Television Program

I don't watch A LOT of TV and most of what I do watch I do so online.... I have several shows I enjoy...

Well I join the ranks of the Gleeks and say that my favorite TV show is Glee.
 Although the show is not morally perfect, it can't keep myself from watching it. Seriously, what other show has SINGING in it? Not just that but RANDOM, MUSICAL, DANCING Singing???? Its awesome.

My  favorite character is definately Emma Pillsberry. I was totally sad for Mr. Shue when she ran off with the Dentist Guy.... (Even though I'm a fan of John Stamos becuase of Full House...)
Can't wait for the next new episode!!

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 3: A Favorite Book

So a favorite book...... This just gets harder everyday!

Well I love Erynn Mangum..... and Karen Witemeyer (Both wonderful Christian romance novelists).......buuuuut I have to say my FAVORITE book isssssss...............

Blink Of an Eye by Ted Dekker!!!!!

Blink of an Eye has an incredible mix of Adventure, Romance, Mystery, and Fantasy!!!! 
If you have never read any of Ted Dekker's books..... WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM??!!?!?! Go do it! NOW!
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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 2: A Favorite Movie

Well BEFORE I would have told you that my favorite movie was She's The Man... and thats still a good movie but my FAVORITE is...... Tangled!! I saw it in Theatres with my little sister and some friends and it was sooooooooo cute! I love it!!!!

 Haha I love when she has the fits of extreme glee to guilt!
This is my FAVORITE scene. :) *sigh* I love the song they're singing.....
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Friday, January 14, 2011


I have an old wordpress blog: Thejanedoe.
If you want to check it out I have a lot more posts. :) Hope you enjoy...

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Day 1 of Blog Challenge (A Favorite Song)

I've enjoyed reading as The Beauty of Ordinary Days has been doing a 30 day blog challenge and considering the fact that I've been having trouble thinking of anything to blog about, I thought I'd give it a go.

Annnnnnnnd . . . . . We're off! Day 1: A favorite song!
Picking a favorite song for me is like picking one food to eat for the rest of your life... Its just not possible so I'll just tell you what a couple of my favorites are.

If My Heart was a House - Owl City
I am a HUGE Owl City fan and this is song is just . . . . incredible. I am very much a Hopeless Romantic and when I hear the line "Chills run down my spine.." I actually do get chills.....

Cannons - Phil Wickman
That my favorite romantic song but this is my favorite worship song...

Well I hope you will join on this little blog adventure as we learn more about . . . . That One Jane Doe. :)

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